In order to ensure that products comply with international regulations and customer environmental protection requirements, Glochem updates hazardous substances restriction control regulations from time to time, clearly sets the standards for the use of hazardous substances in products, and guarantees compliance with the following regulatory requirements
● 歐盟有害物質限用指令 (EU RoHS 2.0) (recast) 2011/65/EU 及其修訂指令 (EU) 2015/863。
● 歐盟化學物質登錄與管制法令 (EU REACH) 公告之高度關切物質 (Substance of Very High Concern, SVHC),共 247 項。
● 備註:請依ECHA 網站公布之最新清單與辨識資訊為主。
ECHA 網站高度關切物質候選清單
ECHA 網站高度關切物質候選清單